Makemv Splunk (2024)

1. makemv - Splunk Documentation

  • Syntax · Examples

  • Converts a single valued field into a multivalue field by splitting the values on a string delimiter or by using a regular expression. The delimiter can be a multicharacter delimiter.

2. Makemv Command in Splunk: The Beginner's Guide - Kinney Group

  • 23 okt 2020 · Makemv is a Splunk search command that splits a single field into a multivalue field. This command is useful when a single field has multiple ...

  • This week's search command, makemv, converts a single valued field into a multivalue field. Read more on how to utilize this Splunk command.

Makemv Command in Splunk: The Beginner's Guide - Kinney Group

3. Multivalue eval functions - Splunk Documentation

  • mvindex(,,) · mvreverse()

  • The following list contains the functions that you can use on multivalue fields or to return multivalue fields.

4. Solved: Makemv command question - Splunk Community

5. Working with multivalue fields - Splunk Lantern

  • Makemv command · Mvzip function · Mvexpand command

  • This article shows you how to use common search commands and functions that work with multivalue fields.

Working with multivalue fields - Splunk Lantern

6. Solved: makemv not working - Splunk Community

  • 24 jul 2019 · I have the following single-value field (that really should be a multi-value field): puppy_name="Spot Dexter Jake" It really should be a multivalue field.

  • I have the following single-value field (that really should be a multi-value field): puppy_name="Spot Dexter Jake" It really should be a multivalue field, like ... puppy_name="Spot" "Dexter" "Jack" Here is what I have tried: index=puppies | makemv puppy_name delim=" " Unfortunately that is not worki...

7. Solved: Use makemv on all fields - Splunk Community

  • 26 jul 2019 · I want to use makemv on ALL fields with the delimiter |, to convert any single-value field with values delimited my newlines to a true multi-value field.

  • I have quite a bit of single-value fields in my dataset which really should be multi-value fields. They are all formatted like this: field_name="field_val1\nfield_val2\nfield_val3\n ... field_valn" It looks like multiple different values for field_name have been crammed into a single value, wherein ...

8. Statistical eval functions - Splunk Documentation

9. Evaluate and manipulate fields with multiple values

  • Use makemv to separate a multivalue field. You can use the makemv command to separate multivalue fields into multiple single value fields. In this example for ...

  • A multivalue field is a field that contains more than one value. For example, events such as email logs often have multivalue fields in the To: and Cc: information.

10. Types of MVCOMMANDS in Splunk - Avotrix - Blogs

  • 9 jul 2021 · Here makemv has a parameter called delim where we can give the delimeter which the field value should be separated and the field name which need ...

  • In this blog we are going to explore types of mvcommands in splunk. In Splunk we start with ingesting data and further that data will lead to create Dashboards, Alerts and Reports which is useful to create insights from that data.

Types of MVCOMMANDS in Splunk - Avotrix - Blogs

11. Solved: Re: Makemv function does not work inside join - Splunk Community

  • 5 jul 2021 · I don't think it is problem with makemv command, any multivalued field in sub search is converted into single value filed. Try this.

  •   I don't think it is problem with makemv command, any multivalued field in sub search is converted into single value filed. Try this.  | makeresults | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="1", other_field_2="test1" | append [| makeresults | eval group_by_field="A", other_field_1="2", ...

12. How to use makemv with tokenizers while keeping non-matching events?

  • 29 jun 2020 · | makemv tokenizer="(id\d)" ID | mvexpand ID | ... Results in: 1 ... Splunk, Splunk>, Turn Data Into Doing, Data-to-Everything, and D2E ...

  • Hi, I have events similar to this example: 1) date1, id1, misc 2) date2, id2, misc 3) date3, , misc 4) date4, id3 and id4, misc The ids in 4) should be split into two separate lines.  The result should look like this: 1) date1, id1, misc 2) date2, id2, misc 3) date3, , misc 4) date4, id3 , misc 5) d...

13. Parsing Multivalue Fields from Check Point in Splunk Using Tokenizer

  • 1 mrt 2019 · ... makemv,. " or using rex to extract the values back into the field,. " But it would be preferable if this was done automatically by Splunk so ...

  • When extracting fields from events in Splunk, typically each field has a single value. For instance, in a firewall packet event there is a src_ip, src_port, dest_ip, dest_port, action, etc., each with a single value. But there are occasionally fields which have more than one value. One common field type that often has multiple values is an e-mail address field, such as from or to. Splunk deals with these values by allowing fields to hold multiple values, which it refers to as simply a “multivalue field.” One place you see this in Check Point logs is in malware events, which sometimes report e-mail anomalies and include a to field. The Splunk Add-on for Check Point OPSEC LEA (the “LEA add-on”) parses the to field as a single value encompassing all of the addresses, making it hard to report on a specific address. We can fix this, at search time, using the TOKENIZER.

14. Working with Multivalue Fields in Splunk - TekStream Solutions

  • 23 okt 2020 · Makemv (Command). This command is used to split the values of a field that appear like a single value into multiple values within an event ...

  • This article illustrates how different multivalue commands and functions can be used individually or combined to meet different Splunk use cases.

Working with Multivalue Fields in Splunk - TekStream Solutions
Makemv Splunk (2024)


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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

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Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.